The YWCA Canton has recently received funding to provide comprehensive Early Head Start child development and family support services to low income families with children from birth to age three in Stark County. Partnering with JRC Early Learning Center, The Stuckey Family Interfaith Child Development Center, OakPark Preschool, First Baptist Nursery and child Care Center, the YWCA in Canton, and three family childcare centers, the YWCA plans to provide high quality, comprehensive early learning experiences to infants and toddlers. Partner agencies include: The Early childhood Resource Center, The Canton Health Department, the Stark County Health Department of Job and Family Services, Help Me Grow, and Resiliency.
Enrollment applications can be found at: or call (330) 453-7644 and ask for Early Head Start. Families are automatically eligible if they are homeless, the child is in foster care or the family receives TANF or SSI.