Housing Choice Voucher Program (HCVP)
The Housing Choice Voucher Program began in 1975 as a way to assist low-income families, elderly, and individuals with disabilities to rent decent, safe, and affordable housing in the community. Through this program, individuals and families receive a “voucher,” also referred to as a “subsidy,” that can be used to obtain housing of their choice which meets the HCV program requirements. The HCV Program also provides the opportunity for eligible residents to receive assistance with monthly utility costs. Stark Metropolitan Housing Authority (SMHA), through a contract with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), has successfully operated a HCV Program in Stark County for over 30 years, providing housing assistance to approximately 1,500 families.
The Many Benefits of the Housing Choice Voucher Program
Participants in the Section 8 Program contribute between 30 and 40% of their monthly income toward housing costs.
All housing that is subsidized through the Section 8 Program must meet Federal Housing Quality Standards thereby ensuring that all participants are provided housing that is decent and safe.
Through the Section 8 Program, families are given the opportunity to choose the type of housing and where they wish to live. Additionally, participants keep their assistance if they chose to move.
Public Housing Authorities (PHA’s) needing to send paperwork to SMHA for portability purposes, please email to S8eligibility@starkmha.org
Becky Valykeo
Director of Housing Choice Voucher Program
(330) 454-8051 ext. 312
Fax: (330) 580-9000
Housing Choice Voucher Program Staff
HCV Program Reviewers
(Reviewers are assigned based on the last name of program participants)
- Kia Boling – Reviewer (A-K) (Ext: 341) or Email: kboling0524@starkmha.org
- Megan Lancaster – Reviewer (L-Z) (Ext: 359) or Email: mlancaster0924@starkmha.org
- Shawna Moore – Reviewer (Moves & Porting) (Ext: 317) or Email: smoore@starkmha.org
- Nicole Nussbaum – Special Programs (Ext: 363) or Email: nnussbaum@starkmha.org
Phone (330) 454-8051 – Fax (330) 580-9000 – Relay 1-800-750-0750
HCV Inspectors
- Ric Gatschet – HQS Inspector (Ext. 360) or Email: rgatschet@starkmha.org
- Marvin Fox – HQS Inspector (Ext. 316) or Email: mfox@starkmha.org
Family Unification Program (FUP) Vouchers
- Nicole Nussbaum – Special Vouchers Reviewer (Ext. 363) or Email: nnussbaum@starkmha.org
Veterans Supportive Housing (VASH)
- Nicole Nussbaum– Special Vouchers Reviewer (Ext. 359) or Email: jmcelroy@starkmha.org
Moderate Rehabilitation (Mod Rehab) Program
- Please contact: nnussbaum@starkmha.org