The Stark Metropolitan Housing Authority (SMHA) received two awards from the HAI Group, an insurance company based out of Cheshire, Connecticut, that serves public and affordable housing communities with niche insurance products.
Recognized as a “Four Star” Outstanding Risk Control Program Performer, SMHA is one of twelve public housing authorities in the country, represented by HAI, to receive this achievement. SMHA was also recognized for consistent positive public housing authority performance and low losses in the area of “General Liability Program” for the years 2011, 2012, and 2013. The award is based upon three years of premium and loss data in which only members with an average loss ratio below 50% are recognized.
Annette Smith, Director of Human Resources and Risk Management, played a vital leadership role in managing SMHA’s risk control program. SMHA Director Herman L. Hill stated, “I am very pleased with our commitment to the risk action management plan and the Human Resource Department’s efforts to ensure that our risk management initiatives result in safer living and working conditions for SMHA employees and residents. We will continue to identify best practices, implement new strategies, and produce positive results”.