SMHA would like to invite all youth between the ages of 13-18 years of age, who reside in SMHA public housing developments or whose families are a part of any SMHA housing program, to attend SMHA’s Youth Advisory Board meeting which will be held on Thursday, March 31, 2016 at 4:30 PM at Stark Metropolitan Housing Authority Central Office located at 400 E. Tuscarawas St. Canton, OH 44702. The purpose of this meeting is to identify interested youth who will serve on the advisory board and participate, in collaboration with housing authority staff, the planning, drafting, and—if funded—implementation of the State Farm Youth-Directed Service-Learning Action Program.
As a member of the Youth Advisory Board, you will be required to attend meetings at SMHA Central Office and contribute in the planning of a selected service-learning project. With your assistance, SMHA will be applying for a grant ranging from $25,000-$100,000 which will focus on one or more issues identified by the State Farm Youth Advisory Board:
- Arts and Culture
- Community Safety and Justice
- Economic Empowerment and Financial Literacy
- Education and closing the Achievement Gap
- Environmental Responsibility
- Health and Wellness
We need your help! If you or someone you know would like to be a part of our NEW Youth Advisory Board, we urge you to attend. Refreshments will be served!
We look forward to seeing you at the Youth Advisory Board meeting! Come prepared to share your ideas of how to make Stark County a better place to live, work, and play.