Muchas cosas emocionantes están sucediendo en la Autoridad de Vivienda Metropolitana de Stark y esperamos poder compartirlos con nuestros residentes y miembros de la comunidad del condado de Stark! En unas pocas semanas, SMHA será la presentación de la 2014-2015 Annual Report to the community which will provide a general overview of the services we provide and the clients we provide them to. With so many positive changes transpiring over the past fiscal year, the Annual Report will highlight some of SMHA’s accomplishments, events, and partnerships.
Yesterday, we had the pleasure of working with Shawn Wood of Studio 7 Photography as he captured some memorable moments at our Central Office and the Eric Snow Family YMCA in downtown Canton which will be featured in the Annual Report.
In March 2015, SMHA and the YMCA joined together to assist SMHA residents with access to YMCA programs and services throughout the county. We look forward to the continued growth of our partnership with the YMCA and establishing future relationships with other organizations which will positively impact our community.